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Mark Your Calendar for the 8th Grade Events

Thursday June 3

Dismissal for 8th Grade only 12:00pm

Dance at Knights of Columbus Hall 6:00pm (Parents arrive 8:30)


Friday June 11

Dismissal for 8th Grade only 12:00pm

8th Graders Arrive for Graduation 5:40pm (in the Gym)

Graduation Mass - Upper Church 6:00pm (See info below)

On graduation day, students should arrive in the Gym at 5:40 pm to line up for the procession into the

church. They should wear their cap and gowns. For the girls’ caps, they may need bobby pins to

hold them in place and attach the gold collar to the gown.

Graduation Attire

Boys: White dress shirt & maroon tie (from graduation photos)

Dress pants - NO jeans (school pants are fine)

Shoes - Dress shoes, NO sneakers

Girls: Dress - (Appropriate dress and length underneath, please)

Shoes - Dress shoes, NO sneakers



Due to COVID gathering regulations, each student is allowed 5 guests. Each attending guest must arrive through the 83th Street Door of the church. Doors will open for seating at 5:15pm.

Registration of Guests and Tracing

On June 4, you will be emailed (OptionC email) a GoogleForm to register your guests and to enter information for Contact Tracing (if it’s still applicable at that time). A seating chart will be created and emailed to you with your tickets on June 9. Each student will sit in the row with their family. The student will sit on the end of the row, closest to the middle aisle. For those of you who attended Confirmation, it will be the same seating format. We will follow all required COVID regulations at the time. More information to follow.


Important Reminder !!!!

All tuition and graduation fees must be paid for students to receive their diploma and autograph book.


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