Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe that the last week of school is quickly approaching. Please see the following information:
Last Week Schedule
Monday June 20 No School Juneteenth Observed
Tuesday June 21 Last Full Day No SONYC, After-School available until 6pm
Wednesday June 22 12:30 Dismissal No SONYC, After-School available until 6pm
Thursday June 23 12:30 Dismissal No After School
Dress Down Week Finale -
We will be continuing our tradition of allowing students to dress down during the last week of school. Due to the week’s brevity, parents will have the option for sending in $5 for the students to dress down all three days or $2 for any individual day (if they choose not to do all three days). You can send in $5 at once to pay for the entirety or just participate in the days you wish. Students who don’t participate in the dress down must wear their corresponding uniform for that day.
Our yearbook for the 2021-2022 School Year will be arriving soon and on sale for $30. If you would like a yearbook, please send in the $30 in an envelope entitled “Yearbook” with your child’s name. The yearbooks will be sold on a 1st come, 1st serve basis.