Dear Parent/Guardian,
Students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 8 will be performing in Saint Adalbert Catholic Academy’s Spring Concert. This year’s show will be held on Tuesday June 11 at 6:30pm in the Gym.
Arrival - On the night of the concert, all students are to report to the 83rd Street Main Building Door school at the arrival times listed below. Homeroom teachers will be chaperoning their class until their performance time, which will be approximately 20 minutes after arrival. Please have your student here well before the approximate performance time.
Dress- The themes below were discussed with the Music Teacher Mr. Tambakis and the students of the class. The default attire for anyone that does not have the selected theme will be Sunday Best-(wearing something nice for the occasion).
Arrival Time | Outfit -Musical Theme | Performance Time | |
6:10 pm | 8th | Through the Years-Senior Shirt/Uniform | 6:30 pm |
6:20 pm | K-1 | Graduate Theme with Gowns | 6:40 pm |
6:30 pm | 1-1 | Seasons (Wear a color that matches a season) | 6:50 pm |
6:40 pm | 2-1 | Teachers and Students | 7:00 pm |
6:50 pm | 3-1 | Wizard of Oz | 7:10 pm |
7:00 pm | 4-1 | Disco Theme | 7:20 pm |
7:10 pm | 5-1 | Jungle Characters | 7:30 pm |
7:20 pm | 6-1 | Shrek Theme | 7:40 pm |
7:30 pm | 7-1 | Significant “Pairs” (an outfit complementing something else) | 7:50 pm |
Dismissal - After their performance, the students will come off the stage and the homeroom teacher will walk them through the school yard and up the ramp. You are to pick your student up in the classroom in the back. (Follow the signs)
There is no guest limit However, due to the nature of a school-wide concert, we ask for your understanding to take your child home soon after their performance so we can accommodate seating for the later performances. Students of siblings will be accommodated in the back row of the Gym.
Please note - - - If a student cannot attend the concert, he/she must notify the homeroom teacher in advance.
We look forward to a great night. Please let me know if you have any questions
Mr. Morris