GUT Cards
For those students who earned GUT cards for the Walkathon, GUT means Gym Uniform Today cards, meaning you can wear your Gym uniform on one of your regular uniform days when turning them in. We will have these on sale as a Fundraiser in December.
Pie Sale Forms
Here is a fillable PDF form if you would like to use- download, save, and email to A reminder that the Pie Sale ends on Tuesday November 17 so the pies can be ready for pickup the next Monday 11/23.
Home Academy Association Meeting
Tuesday November 17 7pm-8pm via Zoom
Thanksgiving Break
The Diocese has recently extended Thanksgiving Break to include the Wednesday 11/25 at a full day off (originally a half-day on the Annual Calendar). Also, the School’s Google Calendar showed the Tuesday being off at one point and that has now been corrected.
Christmas Break
The Diocese has extended Christmas Vacation to two full weeks, starting on Monday December 21. School will resume on Monday January 4.