Please see the link sent to your text message for the most update to date information regarding 8th Grade Graduation.
The Zoom Link will be sent through a Parent Alert/Remind Message at 12 noon. The session will begin at 5pm to allow you to log-in and make sure you can connect/view. The Virtual Ceremony will begin at 6pm.
Students please wear your cap and gown. It’s recommended to have it on before the 6pm ceremony begins.
Parents – Please tape your 8×10 # to the inner right side of your windshield
Please arrive close to your assigned arrival time (As mentioned in the letter, don’t stress or rush if you are running late. Safety first!)
Students will be allowed to return textbooks (Social Studies, Science, Spanish & CD) and ChromeBooks with Chargers) at a drop off table before they round the bend into the Drive-Thru queue. Please have these items in a plastic bag(s) marked with the student name.
Yearbooks will be sold for $25 at a table right before the bend as well
Students will be able to return/retrieve items starting on Monday June 22 (upon notifying Mr Morris but we wanted to give the option of doing so tomorrow night in order to save a trip for families
We look forward to a special night tomorrow !!!!
If you have any questions, please email Mr Morris or call the school